Helisalvestus, helitehnika, ansamblid

Welcome to Neumann Studio homepage! Neumann Stuudio is located in Tartu. The recording studio was established in 1999 Neumann Stuudio OÜ

Address: Riia 130/101, Tartu Mobil: +372 5057304 Phone: +372 7310509 E-mail: elmet@neumannstuudio.ee

Recording Equipment at our studio has been chosen to offer our clients a combination of warm analogue and cutting edge digital. We provides all aspects of music and audio production including:

  • Tracking
  • Mixing
  • Editing
  • Voice-over recording
  • Mastering
  • Audio post production
  • 32 track location recording
  • CD duplication and replication

If you would like to discuss your recording project or visit the recording studio, please feel free to contact Elmet Neumann, the studio manager + 3725057304

Neumann Stuudio pakub järgmisi teenuseid:

  • Helisalvestus
  • Helistuudio teenused
  • Helivõimendustööd  (mobiilne teenus elektrivarustuseta kohtades ja veekogudel)
  • Helitehnika rent
  • Helitehnika müük
  • Ansamblite  tellimine

Elmet Neumann – trubaduur

Vocal, guitar, percussions, harmonica-Men like orchestra ? !!!

Tel: 505 7304
E-post: elmet@neumannstuudio.ee

Tuulest ViidudTuulest viidud

The two-member ensemble plays music that is primarly geared towards the daring dance band.

Tel: 505 7304
E-post: elmet@neumannstuudio.ee


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